Friday, February 22, 2013

Ignorance- not always bliss.

In a recent editorial titled, Lessons of the past solve problems in the future, the editorial board of The Austin American Statesmen writes about problems that the Department of State Health have faced and been facing over the past few years. The article seems to be intended for the general public and perhaps government officials as they are mentioned in this closing statement: "...we should also remind officials that the only way to avoid future mistakes is to study and learn from past ones." The article relays findings made in a report by an advocacy group which explains how patients over the years have been sexually abused by the doctors responsible for treating them at psychiatric hospitals, and how the state has almost overlooked this because of the possibility of illegitimacy due to the patients' mental conditions. I do agree with the editorial board in that the state should examine the mistakes they made in overlooking the situation to help prevent this from happening in the future. 

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